About me

I am a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Houston-Victoria, Texas, USA. Previously, I was a post-doctoral associate at Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea. I received my PhD in Distributed Systems from the Department of IT, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India.  

Unboxing, manipulating and applying machine and deep learning algorithms to solve problems in cloud-IoT, computer vision, and interdisciplinary research domains, although broad, captures my current research interests most accurately. I find these rapidly growing avenues are promising prospects to expand my current expertise while applying my knowledge, skills, and experience gained post-Ph.D.

My current research interests

  • Time-series analytics and sequential modelling.
  • Computer vision (detection, localization, segmentation)
  • Represenation learning of text, image, and graphs
  • big data analytics
  • Resource management in cloud and cloud-influenced big data processing platforms

Note: I am always interested in collaborating with researchers and students. Feel free to contact me.